2025 New Gardener Guide

It's a new year, and time for many new gardeners to get started! Lets give your resolutions the support they need, and answer your common questions about Plantonix Products. To start, I'd like to go over some common definitions for our products:
- Coco Bliss: A soil amendment and peat moss alternative made from discarded Coconut husks. Available as a coir or as a chip, in a variety of sizes
- Neem Bliss Oil: An oil made by pressing neem kernels. There are many uses for this oil!
- Neem Bliss Meal: A meal and organic fertilizer created from the ground-up parts of the Neem Kernal, fruit, and seed.
- Myco Bliss: A collection of five strains of mycorrhizae, which provide increased nutrient uptake for your plants and expand the reach of your roots. Available in both a granular and powder form. Ineffective with Plants in the Brassica family.
- Kelp Bliss: A meal and organic fertilizer made from mulched seaweed harvested from the ocean.
- Worm Bliss: An organic Worm Castings fertilizer, made using happy worms fed a controlled organic diet!
- Perlite Bliss: A lightweight siliceous rock that adds aeration and drainage to your soil.
- Vermiculite Bliss: A natural mineral that is lightweight, porous, and excellent at holding water!
- Char Bliss: A carbon-rich organic soil amendment that improves soil structure, enhances nutrient retention, and promotes beneficial microbial activity.

Next up are some of our most frequently asked questions!
Q: Why is my Neem Bliss Oil thick like a paste?
A: Our Neem Bliss Oil is 100% cold-pressed, which means it retains all its fatty acids! This also means that in colder temperatures, the oil may solidify.
To return it to its oil state, just submerge the bottle in hot water and check on it in about 45 minutes. With a 16-ounce bottle, you may have to refresh the water once or twice, but it will return to its oil state!
Q: There are no instructions on my Neem Bliss Oil, how do I use it?
A: There are many ways to use Neem Bliss Oil! We recommend conducting private research online to determine the proper application, dilution, and reapplication timeframe for your personal use.
Q: I bought a pack of 650gm Coco Bliss Coir bricks, why are they different sizes?
A: As our Coco Bliss is an organic, man-made product, some variation can happen! The full weight of the box is our biggest goal (over 7 Lbs for a 5 pack, or over 14 for a 10 pack)
In most cases, the variation is less than 50gm in either direction, and it does not affect the hydration process in any noticeable degree.
Q: What's the difference between Powdered and Granular Myco Bliss?
A: Both products provide the same strains of Mycorrhizae, however, there are big differences in dispersion!
Granular Myco Bliss looks sort of like cat litter and is best used by either adding it to your initial soil mix or by mixing it deep into existing soil. The granules will slowly release their benefits to your plants' roots.
Powdered Myco Bliss looks more like baking flour, and is best applied to your root ball and planting hole lightly when planting or transplanting. Powdered Myco Bliss is also water-soluble, and can be applied through normal watering.
Q: What does NPK Mean?
A: NPK is a representation of the primary nutrients most fertilizers offer. NPK stands for Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K) the power trio of plant nutrition! These three nutrients fuel your plants’ growth and health. You’ll spot them on fertilizer bags as three numbers, like 6-1-2 or 0-0-2. Different types of plants require different types of nutrition!
Q: Pineapple On Pizza?
A: Sometimes! It depends on the other ingredients!
Q: Do plants really like music?
A: Yes! Numerous studies have shown that most plants positively react to stimulation from sound! A composer named Mort Garson even released a whole album for plants back in the 70s called Mother Earth's Plantasia!
Q: How much water does each size of Coco Bliss require, and how much coir can I expect?
A: 250gm: 1-2 Liters warm water will make about 1 gallon of coir
650gm: 1-1.5 Gallons of warm water will make about 2 gallons of coir
10Lb: 8-10 Gallons of water will make about 2 cubic feet of coir

Lastly, here are a few easy soil recipes you can make entirely with Plantonix Products!
Seed Starter Blend: There's no nutrition here, but a great mix for getting things going! This full mix can be made using two 650gm bricks, 8qts of Perlite Bliss, and 8qts of Vermiculite Bliss, or a 10 Lb brick, 24qts of Perlite Bliss, and 24qts of Vermiculite Bliss
• 2 parts Coco Bliss Coir
• 1 part Perlite Bliss
• 1 part Vermiculite Bliss
Rooting Blend: When complete, this specific recipe will make approximately 6-7 gallons of fairly standard soil. There is also a lot of wiggle room to add things like Neem Bliss meal or Vermiculite Bliss. I recommend an additional helping of Powdered Myco Bliss applied to your root ball and your planting hole for the best results!
• 650gm Coco Bliss Coir (3-4 gallons of coir once hydrated)
• 8 Qt Perlite Bliss
• 1 Qt Biochar
• 1 Qt Worm Castings
• 200gm Granular Myco Bliss
Thanks for thinking of us for your organic gardening needs this year! If you need assistance, we can be found by phone or email at the bottom of this page!
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